

Linear Tracker System Tracker 2

Linear Tracker System Tracker 2
Linear Tracker System Tracker 2
Linear Tracker System Tracker 2

The Specialised Imaging Tracker2 is the next generation of projectile tracking platforms for high-speed video and measurement. Full motorised remote control of three-axis rotation and multiple inputs for real-time velocity adjustment contributes to the evolution of this award-winning system.

Built on a sturdy mount, the fully weatherproofed mirror and camera housings allow a large range of high-speed video cameras and long focal length lens options. Custom software controls the Tracker system and provides calculators for Tracker placement, camera fields-of-view, and velocities.

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Applications High Speed Video Cameras
Industries Aerospace, Defence & Security, Education & Research, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas
  • Full remote control operation
  • Multiple operating modes allow capture of decelerating, accelerating, user-defined velocity profiled projectiles
  • Scan ratio range from 0.1 to 100
  • Scanning accuracy of ± 0.2o
  • Gigabit Ethernet communications
  • Built-in camera power, communications, and trigger
  • No calibration required

Linear Tracker System Tracker 2
Product Brochures

  1. SI_Tracker_2020_r1_.pdf

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